(no subject)

Oliver Grawert hostmaster at grawert.net
Mon Oct 4 18:39:12 UTC 2004


Am Montag, den 04.10.2004, 19:20 +0200 schrieb Wim Vriend:
> Thanks Oli,
> I follow you're advice and it works. I really do appreciate this.
> Can you also tell me how i get a pictogram from this writer in my menu
> (disks)
run the following command in a terminal (copy n paste):

cp /etc/fstab . && sudo mkdir /media/usbcd && sudo gedit /etc/fstab

in the gedit window add the line:

/dev/sr0        /media/usbcd   udf,iso9660 ro,user,noauto  0       0

to the end of the file (dont miss a character !! its a very important
file), save it and your device will show up immediately in the Disks
folder. if anything goes wrong, there is a backup of fstab in your
current dir. if everything is fine you can delete the backup.


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