Mailing lists (going off topic)

Ari Torhamo ari.torhamo at
Mon Oct 4 04:45:10 UTC 2004

ma, 2004-10-04 kello 09:01 +1000, David kirjoitti:
> On Sun, 3 Oct 2004, Ari Torhamo wrote:
> >
> > I always use Synaptic and have felt myself a little lonely reading all
> > those anwsers suggesting to use apt-get :-)
> that made me laugh! I've always used apt-get, and feel a little lonely
> with all the talk aof Synaptic!  I have no idea what it is :)

You made me laugh too! But maybe you should give Synaptic a try - if for
no other reason, to know what all that talk is about :) And it has
become a very convenient tool for installing, removing, upgrading and
browsing your installed and not installed packages. A good way to start
is to use the category selector on the left to get a filtered view with
only the package category or type you want to see. As a power user (I
call all people who feel uncomfortable ouside the command line power
users :) you propably would appreciate the ability to create custom
filters with a wealth of rules available for filtering. Go to Settings
-> Filters to create your own filter.

Really, if I consider some system administration tool convenient, then
it must be just that :) I for my part might try to learn the the basics
of Apt, if for no other reason, to know what all that talk is about :)


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