Command line question

GR Gaudreau grgaud at
Mon Oct 4 00:03:23 UTC 2004

Frank Merenda wrote:
> GR Gaudreau <grgaud <at>> writes:
>>Hi all,
>>Speaking about techie talk and the commnad line has reminded me to ask 
>>what commands are available to me in the dark place.
>>Is there a document, either on the 'Net or on my HDD, which will give me 
>>a list of commands available to me, all of them, or at least the most 
>>important ones?
> Here's a *GREAT* place to start:
> UNIX Tutorial: Absolute Beginner to Linux "Expert" in 10 Lessons:
> and there's Linux 101 (list of commands and few words on each, then details):
> and after that you can hit up Rute:
> Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
> -Frank Merenda

[GR]   Way cool, Frank. And yes, I most certainly will enjoy them. 
Thanks a bunch.

GR Gaudreau <grgaud at>
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