All your dev nodes are....

Danilo Piazzalunga danilopiazza at
Sun Oct 3 18:59:24 UTC 2004

...belong to udev.

Andrew Sobala wrote:
> All my device nodes appear to be in /.dev, apart from a small sprinkling
> in /dev. However, everything's looking for them (like my cd-rom drive,
> hdc) in /dev. What's going on with this .dev thing?

It could be because you are running udev. The device nodes your system is
using are under /dev (*) and they are being managed by the udev daemon.
The "plain old" real /dev directory is currently "backed up" in /.dev, so it
can be accessed by MAKEDEV.

(*) And if something is missing from there, you may have to deal with udev and
hotplug... but that's another story.

Danilo Piazzalunga <danilopiazza at> +--------------------+
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