hdparm.conf not getting read?

Petri Pennanen suvarin at home.se
Sun Oct 3 10:50:46 UTC 2004

Hello you all, and thanks for a great distro!

I tried watching a dvd a few minutes ago and noticed terrible lag. It
worked last friday so I got confused. After looking around for a few
minutes I discovered that /dev/hdc had dma set to off. I have this:

	/dev/hdc {
	        dma = on

in /etc/hdparm.conf and it had worked previously.

	sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc

Provides a temporary fix, but I have to do this every time I reboot
(since this is a laptop that is pretty often). 

Any ideas or suggestions for what I should look in to? 

- Petri

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