Mailing lists

Ben Novack bennovack at
Sun Oct 3 03:29:35 UTC 2004

I agree that users is getting a little large, but I'd prefer to err on
the side of fewer lists rather than more. I suspect that people wont'
be super-eager to work on installation for a while, then move to
starting up, etc. Also, many users will have problems that overlap
categories, or may not know where a question belongs.

If there were a split, I'd prefer it to be simply into a "General
problems" and a "testing new releases" - but honestly, I think
"massive info flood" is the nature of mailing lists. Those who don't
want it will stick to the upcoming forums.

On Sun, 03 Oct 2004 11:12:42 +0800, John <dingo at> wrote:
> It seems to me that the volume of mail on this list is becoming a little
> more than people should be expected to read.
> I suggest a division along these lines. I don't think that these
> categorisations are perfect and there is some room for debate on whether
> these suggestions should be implemented, and if so, what lists are
> desirable. Ultimately, the final decision rests with Canonical.
> Getting Started, for installation support. People be asked to subscribe
> at the download site, and on the front page of any official packaging.
> This would cover all topics up to the first login by the installer..
> Canonical might designate some to follow this list.
> Settling in, mostly for new users, where discussions about "where is the
> ssh server," "How do I burn CDs," and such are in order. Installers
> should be invited to subscribe to this list when they first login,
> perhaps in the initial email from Evolution.
> Canonical might designate some to follow this list. They might be the
> same as those who follow the first, but need not be,
> Folding and Spiking, for people who want to stretch the limits, add
> other software, install "different" configurations, hacking on the
> installer, port to another platform....
> I don't expect this would be a high-volume list, but Canonical might use
> its content in planning future releases.
> Using-<> for ongoing problems and questions regarding specific releases,
> so one for warty, one for hoary etc.
> Testing, for testing new releases. I think atm this would take most onf
> the traffic on -users, but hopefully once Warty's out a lot of the
> people here will decide to stick with Warty, and that will be the first
> port of call for new users.
> --
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at

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