New Debian installer released.

John dingo at
Sun Oct 3 01:36:57 UTC 2004

Nick Kamenyitzky wrote:
> Considering the main focus of the ubuntu installer is that people aren't 
> asked very many questions then I think that support for XFS and grub 
> together isn't necessary (well at least at this stage) as the default 
> install uses ext3 anyway so its not an issue.

I don't agree with that assessment. I always use ext3 because I don't 
know any reason not to do so _on my systems,_ but OTOH I don't think a 
user who does make such a choice should then be left to (potentially) 
get a hosed system because they don't know (how) to avoid problems with 

If a sane workaround pending a permanent fix can be managed in time for 
Warty then I think that should be done.

> Paco Ros wrote:
>> Yesterday (well, 2 days ago) was released a new version of Debian 
>> Sarge installer.
>> I noticed it can resolves XFS + GRUB problem by installing LILO 
>> without asking :-?
>> Do you plan to update to the new installer or Do you prefer to wait 
>> for a more elegant solution?
>> Regards.

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