video player blank window with SiS chipset

Andy ubuntu at
Sat Oct 2 19:54:11 UTC 2004

 > Fabio wrote:
 > | Andy wrote:
> | However, there's no video output from Totem - whether from a video file
> | (only sound plays) or an audio file (no "gorm" visualization). All I get
> | is a black window.
> Do other players show the same file on your machine? Can you try with
> xine (you might need to install it from universe)

I can find libxine1 in universe, but not xine-ui. I could grab a debian 
package, or build it from source, but not sure if that's the best thing 
to do to track down the cause of this. It was a clean install so it 
should work - I'm guessing it's a bug but being new to Ubuntu I thought 
I'd check it out a bit before raising it on the bug list.

I also considered installing Mplayer but again no packages as far as I 
can see.

What do you suggest would be most helpful?



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