Grub Error 18

Jan Kokoska kokoskaj at
Sat Oct 2 16:50:25 UTC 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-02 at 16:48 +0200, Solkar Saruman wrote:
> My problem is this. All the installation proces goes ok but after
> rebooting it gets this error message about Grub.
> I'm stuck in that point. Any solution?

Error 18 in Grub means exceeded max cylinder BIOS supports. 

To fix it, either:

Set your BIOS to use LBA (Logical Block Addressing) for the harddrive
you are booting from (or for all as it is reasonable).


If it is on already, or changes nothing, the cylinder number actually is
wrong (and something like changing geometry took place, of the config
tool went bonkers over your disk layout) and a tool like Partition Magic
(or graphical qparted or GNU parted for purists) will help you fix it.

Jan Kokoska

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