Documentation email list?

Hudson Delbert J Contr 61 CS/SCBN Delbert.Hudson at LOSANGELES.AF.MIL
Fri Oct 1 19:02:10 UTC 2004


	Not sure but i think you may be right about the number of
	requests for assistance for laptop users. 

	i also don't think it's just ubuntu.

	i have used linux a while now along with solaris and the *bsd's
	and the trend is similar in the forums as regards to

	"help me!! my laptop doesn't seem to l;ike this or that.

	i've asked at least half dozen times for any answers and yet to even
hear back from 1.


		maybe you have some insight.

		thinkpad refuses to let me use my microsoft serial mouse and
clings tenaciously to the trackpoint which i despise.

		any ideas.

~piranha at

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at]On Behalf Of Martin Maney
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 11:28 AM
To: Ubuntu Linux users
Subject: Re: Documentation email list?

On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 02:24:47PM +0100, Benjamin Edwards wrote:
> I totaly agree.  I would say there may be a few templates/giudelines
> (with a lot of overlap) depending on wether in it a nrwbie doc, a
> technical doc etc.

Computer systems do require multiple levels of description, from the
low-down, bare details of a manpage, through the broader but still
technical overview of subsystems, to the most hand-holding user level
docs that intentionally omit 90% of the power a program has in order to
present the 10% that gets 90% of the use clearly.  And I skipped a
couple levels there, even aside from internals docs.  :-)

                                 * * *

Thinking about docs and the wiki, I stopped by the hardware page last
evening, and it looks to me to already be ripe for fissioning.  Laptops
are one in-your-face'ly obvious section that needs to spawn; it might
not be too soon for DellLaptops to spawn off of that (or maybe I just
noticed them more than other brands because my own portable difficulty
is of the Dell persuasion).

I thought for a moment about just doing it, but it was late, and I'd
done more than enough refactoring already for one day (not on the
Ubuntu wiki).

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