G'day all, a few questions

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Fri Oct 1 03:29:54 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 01:08:12PM +1000, David wrote:

> this sounds like a bad idea... I'm doing a test install right now, but if
> it works out well Ubuntu will go on at least two other machines.
> that's lots of wasted bandwidth. Surely there should be an option - delete
> or not.

That's a question we don't need to ask; once the packages are installed,
there's no reason to keep them around on disk.  Even if they were saved, you
would have a difficult time making use of them for another install on
another machine.  If you are in a position to drop files into the apt cache
by hand at exactly the right time during the installation in order for them
to be used, you should also have no problem copying them out of the apt
cache before they are deleted.

You have some more robust options anyway:

- Use the latest daily CD image, which won't require downloading many
  packages (if any)

- Answer "no" to the existing question, which asks whether or not you want
  to download packages from the network

- Set up a caching proxy server (I run squid for this purpose)

 - mdz

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