Various pre-install queries from potential user

Martin Maney ubuntu at
Fri Oct 1 03:13:40 UTC 2004

On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 09:35:52AM +0800, John wrote:
> Whatever it does, the filesystem architects have surely done what seems 
> right to them.
> Creating lots of partitions, I think, is likely to defeat any 
> optimisations they've designed in.

That might be a telling blow but for the fact that the designs evolved
in the context of Unix tradition, where multiple separate filesystems
have a long history.  :-)

In any case, I'm not really interested in arguing the general
proposition, only the blatantly wrong business about how using a single
partition will minimize seek distances.  At least with ext2 it has, by
design, and for good reasons, quite the opposite effect.

> The Ubuntu default is not altogether silly:-)

No.  It has simplicity going for it.

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