DVD repositories

Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at gmail.com
Tue Nov 30 13:41:49 UTC 2004

Can anybody tell me how I would go about creating a repository
containing just seleced packages. The idea is that I want to write the
packages I download with apt from /var/cache/apt to DVD. This will
help when i frequently kill my compter whilst tinkering around and
also to use on my other machine that is not on a network. I could
install a copy of warty or hoary then copy them back over to
/var/cache/apt but this will waste time. Can I set it so that I just
need to refrence the DVD in my conf file and it will "download" from
the DVD.
If I want it updating further I can simply rsync the packages
individually... ooo any way to make rsync write to DVD RW so it will
be automated. I would then need to automatically rebuild the index or
whatever process defines a repository.

Any idas or help would be much apreciated!


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