Hoary Install CDs

Mario Mure mtms at autistici.org
Sat Nov 27 11:38:38 UTC 2004

On 27 Nov 2004, 10:31, Timothy Ha <linuxmail at yandex.ru> wrote:

> >Anyone know where I can get Hoary install CDs? I'd like to try 
> >installing Hoary on my laptop and I'm hoping to have greater success 
> >with Hoary than with Warthog.
> >
> >Gill
> >
> It would be good to have some scripts that can generate the Hoary.iso - 
> I would bring my friends a Hoary instead of a Warty :-)

Why don't you put an eye to jigdo?

Btw, has anyone installed Hoary on AMD 64? I'm considering to buy such
a machine before end of this year. Suggestions?

 <@,@>  Il corpo del povero cadrebbe subito in pezzi
 [`-']  se non fosse legato ben stretto dal filo dei sogni
 -"-"-                                --Anonimo indiano

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