Adding Beagle, tomboy and ifolder to Hoary

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at
Sat Nov 27 01:24:59 UTC 2004

<quote who="demon666_nl">

> > Beagle is a spin-off of the Dashboard project, started with much of the
> > Dashboard internals, and designed to provide the full indexing and
> > search backend to a future Dashboard.
> But dashboard is a nice feature you'll want to have in a future linux
> desktop (read ubuntu).  The goal of the dashboard is to automatically show
> a user useful files and other objects as he goes about his day.

Sure, when the Beagle infrastructure is done, the hackers will go back to
working on Dashboard (or a similar project). It's not appropriate to ship at
all at the moment.

- Jeff

-- 2005: Canberra, Australia      
    "Of course i can see iso-8859-1 characters, I'm French." - Christian

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