Accessing a WebDAV server from the command line

Michael Dean michaelldean at
Fri Nov 26 02:29:28 UTC 2004

I am very desirous of getting off this extremely inane chatty list that 
has no real controls and defies filtering.  I filled out an unsubscribe, 
to no avail.  PLEASE, is there someone out there who can take pity on me 

Wouter Eerdekens wrote:

>Hi everybody,
>I know I can access my iDisk via Computer -> Connect to server and using
>WebDAV to connect. This makes I can use my iDisk from Nautilus. But I want
>to access it from a script. The WebDAV 'share' (or how do you call it)
>doesn't seem to be mounted somewhere in my filesystem hierarchy... So
>how do I access it from the commandline? Is that software available that
>enables me to do this?

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