No camera detected

jp jaypee at
Thu Nov 25 11:12:05 UTC 2004

Cool I'll give this a try.

I've got a Oly C-160 which is also unsupported by
gphoto. Yon can still mount the camera as a scsi drive
and cp photos off the camera. But is is nice to
be able to do stuff from the desktop.

Oliver Grawert wrote:

> hi,
> Am Mittwoch, den 24.11.2004, 21:10 -0800 schrieb Dirk Ouellette:
>>Why isn't my Olympus C-4000 Zoom digital camera detected and mounted in
>>my /mnt/CAMERA file? gPhoto2 picks it up as a c-2040Z which is useless,
>>and I never like gPhpto anyway. My Fedora system would just mount all of
>>my pics nicely in /mnt/CAMERA and I could cp them from there.
> i have a C-1 tha is unsuppurted too (or was it when i wrote the tool)
> you might try this, it should work with all cameras that are mountable
> as usb-scsi devices it does not depend on gphoto:
> ciao
> 	oli

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