scanner only as root

Soren Hauberg soren at
Thu Nov 25 08:33:43 UTC 2004


Oliver Grawert wrote:
> the sane package is slightly different from the xsane package and they
> dont work well together in ubuntu, xsane should work out of the box fi
> there is no other sane stuff installed.
> 1. make sure you only got the xsane packages from main (you can verify
> this pretty good in synaptic by a search for sane and deinstalling
> everything that has no logo in front)
I haven't installed anything scan-related that wasn't installed by 
default. The program sane is not installed, libsane and saneutils is 
however installed - hope that's OK.
> 2. your scanner is a parallelport device, a ls -l /dev/lp0 shows you it
> belongs to the group "lp"
> 3. to get acces now simply add the user to the group:
> sudo adduser $USER lp
I did that (using the GUI, but I guess that's the same) and that didn't 
do the trick :-(

> ciao
> 	oli
Thanks, Soren


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