Adding Beagle, tomboy and ifolder to Hoary

George Farris farrisg at
Wed Nov 24 22:24:33 UTC 2004

On Wed, 2004-24-11 at 13:49 -0800, ubuntu-users-request at
>    iFolder would be nice, but there isn't yet evolution support, but I
> think that will change and I think Novell is shipping it or will
> before the deadline.

I haven't looked at iFolder for a few months but one thing I'd like to
see in iFolder is the ability to leave it running without being logged
in.  A check button option to "Stay running at log out" would be nice.

Also in regard to mono, I also will have a new updated version of Gfax
available for Hoary,  it is mono/gtk# based.  It will be either in Hoary
or available through my repository.  The point, I guess is that
mono/gtk# is a nice environment and I think we'll see looks of apps
written in C#.

George Farris   farrisg at
Network and Technical Services
Malaspina University-College

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