.sxw file gets a zip-icon, when scand. letters in the name
Ari Torhamo
ari.torhamo at luukku.com
Wed Nov 24 17:59:11 UTC 2004
ke, 2004-11-24 kello 12:40 +0100, Josh Kress kirjoitti:
> Am Mittwoch, den 24.11.2004, 08:31 +0200 schrieb Ari Torhamo:
> > I forgot to add that after the file icon changes from zip to sxw, the
> > file won't open. Instead I get an error message saying: "Error loading
> > document file:///... .../S%C3%A4%C3%A4ti%C3%B6.sxw.
> > Object /home/... ...Säätiö.sxw doesn't exist.." (my translation). Don't
> > know if you see the text I copied right in your e-mail program. At the
> > first time the scandics in the file name are distorted, at the second
> > time they are shown right.
> Ok, at least on this one I can help you.
> I get the same error whenever I try to open files in OOo, which
> filenames and/or directories contain non-ASCII characters (e.g.
> ö,ä,ü ...). A work-around for this is to simply rename the
> directories/filenames that contain those special characters to
> ASCII-only filenames.
> Maybe OOo doesn't get the proper filename from Gnome...........
Thanks for your reply Jörg... "Josh" :) I can change those file names
that contain non-ASCII characters, thats not such a big problem (at
least if it gets fixed to Hoary). But in the near future I'm going to
install Ubuntu for some people who have been using only Windows so far
and I know that it's going to rise some eye brows if I tell them that
they can't use these characters when naming their documents. They are
actually very common in Finnish language. The share of character "ä" (an
"a" with two dots) in an average Finnish text is nearly 5%. So I really
would like to find an other solution than leaving out these characters.
It would be interesting to know if all people who use these characters
in Ubuntu/OpenOffice do have the same problem and is the problem same
with all non-ASCII characters. In fact, when I think of it, the world is
full of languages with non-ASCII characters. What about for example
people who speak Arabic - they propably just give numbers to their
documents :)
It would be nice to hear if your digging brings up something.
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