gdesklets broken install?

Olav betenoire at
Tue Nov 23 16:03:21 UTC 2004

Op di, 23-11-2004 te 16:21 +0100, schreef Oliver Grawert:

> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 23.11.2004, 16:11 +0100 schrieb Olav:
> > So it works for some, but it doesn't for others. Some dependency
> > problem?
> the error above looks like a pygtk versioning issue....
> we probably should make up a policy that everyone has to inform the list
> which ubuntu version he is referring to if reporting a error,

Good idea :)

> could it
> be that it doesnt work on hoary but works on warty ?

Mine is plain Warty.

Met vriendelijke groeten / kind regards,


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