iBook G4 - WorksForMe sleeping kernel

Asheesh Laroia ubuntu at asheesh.org
Mon Nov 22 07:28:11 UTC 2004

On Mon, Nov 22, 2004 at 06:24:13PM +1100, David Collett wrote:
> Im also a long time debian user and just installed ubuntu on a work
> laptop to play (i386). I have an ibook G4 with sarge on it atm (I may
> move to ubuntu when my PPC CD arrives).
> My question is: are ubuntu kernel packages the same as debian ones? Is
> there any reason why I should not "dkpg -i" your kernel image into my
> debian sarge ibook?

No reason at all! 8-)

-- Asheesh.

I've got a very bad feeling about this.
		-- Han Solo

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