iBook G4 - WorksForMe sleeping kernel

Asheesh Laroia ubuntu at asheesh.org
Mon Nov 22 06:48:34 UTC 2004

I'm a long-time Debian user, and I'm running Ubuntu Warty on my iBook G4

If you use an iBook G4 and want sleep (suspend to RAM) support, and are
a relatively advanced user, read on!  If you're not interested, go buy
some plum juice (I just had some and it's good stuff).  If you're not
advanced, then rest assured that testers will work out most of the bugs
for 2.6.11, at which point someone (me?) will make this nice and easy.

Benjamin Herrenschmidt has made sleep work in the iBook G4, along with a
few other recent Apple laptops.  I'm using an iBook G4, so I patched the
2.6.9 kernel source with his patch and made a package.

For some reason, my laptop doesn't wake up with the Ubuntu XF86Config-4,
so I'm also giving out someone else's from the debian-powerpc mailing
list's.  You can download my kernel image and XF86Config-4 here:

* http://www.asheesh.org/download/isnooze/kernel-image-2.6.9-isnooze-asheesh_10.00.Custom_powerpc.deb
* http://www.asheesh.org/download/isnooze/XF86Config-4.that_guy

(It's slow, I know.  Sorry.)  Put the XF86Config-4 in /etc/X11/ , and
"dpkg -i" the kernel image.

Reboot as necessary.  Everything should act mostly the same, except that
when you close your laptop's lid, it will go to sleep.  One problem I've
had already is that if you change USB state (e.g., insert or remove a
device) while the laptop is asleep, it won't wake up quite right.  So
remove everything first.

Reply with comments or questions!

-- Asheesh.

Paranoid schizophrenics outnumber their enemies at least two to one.

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