pcmcia - do I need it?

Clayton Anderson anderc at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 17:56:22 UTC 2004

Shango Oluwa wrote:
> Just 'cd' to /etc/rc2.d and there you will find a link referring to the
> PCMCIA start-up script (which is actually located in /etc/init.d)
> The solution you seek is to rename the link to something else than
> 'S##pcmcia' (the hashes represent a number which I'm not sure what it
> is). You can easily do this with the 'mv' command: 
> mv /etc/rc2.d/S##pcmcia /etc/rc2.d/disabled_S##pcmcia
> Now, at system startup, PCMCIA will not load, because 'init' only starts
> links beginning with "S". 
> Obviously, replace the hashes with whatever number is relevant. It is
> common practice to add a prefix (e.g. "disabled_") rather than deleting
> the link - this way you'll know what it is when you find it months or
> years later!
> Your conclusion that your desktop does not need to run the PCMCIA daemon
> is correct - I'm sure that your desktop system has no PCMCIA/CardBus
> slots, hence the PCMCIA daemon will only consume (negligible) CPU time.
> Minding the caution below, go to each "rc#.d" directory in /etc and
> rename the link to the pcmcia startup script. You can use the 'mv'
> command outlined above - just be careful to replace "rc2.d" your current
> working directory's appropriate number (e.g. rc4.d , rc5.d , etc). This
> is not an elegant or efficient solution but is a good way for you to
> explore those directories and get a feel for their content.
> !!NB!! You should *not* rename the links in rc0.d and rc6.d
> (Some google'ing about runlevels will let you understand why.)  
> Regards,
> Shango Oluwa
> On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 10:02 -0500, David M. Carney wrote:
>>WITHOUT getting into the whole discussion of the proper way to disable
>>initscripts again, I too get the PCMCIA error at boot time.
>>My computer is a desktop and it (to my limited knowledge) it does not
>>use PCMCIA, which to my understanding is mainly for laptops.
>>Is there some way to remove a package to keep it from loading?
>>Registered Linux User #297958
>>** I Have 6 Gmail Invitations. **
Or how about "update-rc.d pcmcia remove"?


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