
Markus Hubig ubuntu at
Fri Nov 19 19:39:11 UTC 2004

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Seth Williamson wrote:

> Markus Hubig wrote:
> >On Fri, 19 Nov 2004, Seth Williamson wrote:
> >>The best thing the makers of Ubuntu can do to advance the cause of 
> >>humanity is to make the best open-source software they can. Don't mix 
> >>up that job with politics. They are two different worlds. 
> >NO! Mix it! Everything we do IS political. "humanity to others" IS the
> >opposite of the everyday politics we have. We, the open-source community,
> >are blue-printing the human society of the future. Open-Source on top of
> >the internet (everybody is connected to everybody) is something totally
> >new to the world. And as everyone of us knows: It just works!
> >Open-Source is, and always was, a concept of a better world. And there
> >is no need to hide this!
> Well, I'm glad you're happy with your religion.  Me, I've already got 
> one, and for me open-source isn't a faith.  It's just a better way to 
> get some jobs done.

What the hell are you talking about? Open-Source isn't in any way a
religion ... religions IMHO are just some other kind of
'system-of-the-strong' to suppress and rip people off - sorry if I now
trample on you believes.
> Your problem is that the majority of people are unlikely to buy into the
> idea to the extent you've done, and for those individuals, the utopian
> sell will just appear puerile. 

It seems you realy *know* the "majority of people" and what they're
thinking ... Sorry but this kind of *argumentation* is puerile.

If you've done just a little research in the history of Free Software and
Open Source you will find out that people like Richard Stallman or Linus
Torvalds are not only some tec-freeks. There where leaded by ideals and
an idea of a better world ...

> Why offend such individuals? 

Hmm, don't see any offending here. But we have a nice saying:
"Kicked dogs bark!" ...

> Why not just concentrate on excellence in producing software       

Because the way we do "our jobs" is highly influenced by motivation. I've
been in the software "buisness" long enough to say this. And this is one
of the things that makes Free Software better then Commercial Software ...

   - Markus
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an
indomitable will.  - Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)

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