modem and dial up connection

Vram lamsokvr at
Thu Nov 18 06:53:44 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-11-18 at 01:29 -0500, Ben Kuang wrote:
> Hi:
> I get access to the internet from my school server.  Therefore, I have
> to run a script with .scp which has the following code:
> proc main
> delay 5 transmit "^M"
> waitfor "Username"
> transmit $USERID, raw
> transmit "^M"
> waitfor"Password:"
> transmit $PASSWORD, raw
> transmit "^M"
> waitfor ">"
> transmit "ppp^M"
> endproc
> How would I be able to connect to the internet using dial up in ubuntu.
> I am using a Lucent Win Modem, does this affect my ability to use dial
> up in ubuntu?  How do i know if Ubuntu detected my modem.

Try running /usr/sbin/pppconfig





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