change console resolution

Travis Newman panickedthumb at
Wed Nov 17 19:28:28 UTC 2004

Romeyn Prescott wrote:
> At 1:45 PM -0500 11/17/04, Romeo Theriault scribbled:
> How do I change the resolution that is displayed when the computer is 
> booting and when I'm not in a window manager.
> This is a very good question.  I have an Apple G4 with an Apple 17" 
> display that is incapable of displaying 640x480 resolution and I'll be 
> wanting to install ubuntu on it soon.  Unless the default console 
> resolution can be changed...for the installer...that won't be happening!
> Thanks,
> ...ROMeyn

the default when installing it on macs is 1024x768 I believe. It's 
called a framebuffer. But I don't remember how to do it, I just know 
that on my Mac it automatically enables the framebuffer.

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