Suggestions on packages to add to Ubuntu "main" (athcool)

Matthew Garrett mjg59 at
Wed Nov 17 17:16:47 UTC 2004

On Mon, 2004-11-15 at 22:14 +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:

>   WARNING: Depending on your motherboard and/or hardware components,
>   enabling powersaving mode may cause:
>     * noisy or distorted sound playback
>     * a slowdown in harddisk performance
>     * system locks or instability  
> Matthew, what are your thoughts?

Oh, argh. It's probably worth us providing it (it does provide
significant power savings on some Athlon hardware), but my experience
agrees with this - not all hardware works with it, and there's no easy
way to tell whether it will or not. There's no way it should be
installed by default.

Matthew Garrett | mjg59 at

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