Trash Applet Broken

volvoguy volvoguy at
Tue Nov 16 21:52:51 UTC 2004

On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 20:01:09 -0800, Daniel Robitaille
<robitaille at> wrote:

> Before the reboot it could have been interesting if you would have
> logged in via the console (thus not starting any new gnome processes),
> and then check which processes under your user name was still running
> in the background from your previous session. Then maybe you could
> have killed it thus avoiding the reboot.  But we'll probably never
> know...

Actually, I've been seeing this occasionally as well in Hoary. It
wasn't really a big deal to me and you kinda expect some bugs in a
development version. If it happens again, I'll do the steps Daniel
mentioned to see if it sheds any light on the situation.


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