How to stop unwanted servrices during boot

Christoph Georgi christoph.georgi at
Tue Nov 16 22:18:25 UTC 2004

I think Neil'S suggestion is a pretty good compromise: is's as easy for 
novice users as the chmod -x method but is more obvious when debugging 
the system as using the 'ls' command clearly shows the disabled 
services. I have to agree, that changing the init scrips can be a hassle 
for novice uses and might mess up even more.

Mangling the filename is certainly not a clean way to stop services from 
starting up during boot (as chmod -x isn't), but I reckon that we have 
to wait for the /etc/default/<options> stuff till a clean stop is possible?!


baza wrote:
>>>>But the wiki tells the users in the Ubuntu Bootup Howto[1] that the 
>>>>chmod approach is 'more straightforward' than removing the symlinks.
>>>>Shouldn't this page be updated with the results of this discussion?
>>>>I can do this, but I need to know what we should be telling the user 
> Can I advise you not to disable hotplug with sudo chmod -x hotplug
> It hosed X on my system
> Barry

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