How to list disks and mirror the boot disk

Le grand pinguin rm at
Tue Nov 16 18:24:01 UTC 2004

On Tue, Nov 16, 2004 at 10:05:05AM -0800, Eric Potter wrote:

> [...]
> You can mirror your system by mounting an extra partition
> at, for example, /mnt/mirror then do this:
> nice rsync -a -x --progress / /mnt/mirror
> rsync has a very extensive man page.  Make sure you
> read it.

And be very carefull. This will _not_ create proper backups
of things like database files etc. Rsync does a block copy
and will thus create a copy where differnet blocks come
from different times - this will most likely break a database
(note: this is not a problem of rsync but one of the database.
To properly back up a database one needs an atomic copy.
The only way to backup a running database: either with a
backup tool that supports your database (possibly with a
plugin)  or by using a so-called snapshot filesystem [but: even
this will only work if your database's transaction log/WAL
will be on the same filesystem - something that is usually
considered not a good idea performance wise). Cruel are the
tasks of a sysadmin ...

  Ralf Mattes
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