what's up...free games?

Néstor Hernández Cruz patolfo at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 18:10:11 UTC 2004

Hello there guys,
I've read that there are some free games in ubuntu so,
where are they,
another thing I usually play Diablo II LoD, War III FT and Starcraft
do you have any recomendation of a windows emulator for Ubuntu just as
Cygwin is a *nix emulator under windows?

I have Mware but dunno how to use it :(

p.s. You are not referring to those that appear when you install it, do you?

al cabo de la vida quisiera descansar
en un bosque de paz y sin preguntas
y desde la espesura escuchar en sosiego
el preludio de un réquiem privadísimo 
Benedetti **Cansancio

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