Netgear wireless how-to ... Anyone successfully make this work?

Roger Scow rscow at
Sun Nov 14 01:49:00 UTC 2004

Okay, moving in the right direction.  Next question, will ndiswrapper  
work on a ppc system?  I can find ndiswrapperutils, but can't locate a  
version of  "linux-image-"
that is compliled for the ppc chip.  Or can I use the i386 one?  I  
suppose that's too good to be true.

OT:  Apologies for the graphic that snuck through on my previous post.   
I hate it when others do that, and kick myself for letting ME do it.

Appreciate everybody's help.


On Nov 13, 2004, at 11:12 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:

> hi,
> Am Samstag, den 13.11.2004, 10:58 -0600 schrieb Roger Scow:
>> modprobe prism2_usb installed the module, but the files mentioned in
>> the Howto for configuration don't exist with the same name here ... RH
>> vs Ubuntu I guess.  I going to have to so some more searching  
>> around.e r
>> /etc/sysconfig/networ-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 and modprobe.conf and
>> /etc/wlan/wlan.conf don't exist.
>> Should I create those files and write/edit as listed?
> look at point 6 (and only at point 6) at this site:
> helpcenterhowto.2004-10-07.7773155363/
> ciao
> 	oli
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