ubuntu for novices (NetworkManager)

Thom May warty+sounder at planetarytramp.net
Wed Nov 10 21:40:03 UTC 2004

* Ivo Marino (eim at mentors.debian.net) wrote :
> On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 09:36 +0800, Senectus . wrote:
> > oooh, I am _so_ looking forward to seeing that! 
> > Being able to swap quickly and easily between different networks would
> > such a boon to me!
> > 
> I'm also really interested in this tool.
> In the meantime I'm still fighting with guessnet.
> Has anyone tested NetworkManager on Warty yet?
> Maybe compiling it from source and getting it running on Warty this way
> could be a temporary solution till the release of Hoary.

As linked on the NetworkManager website,

> What about automatically switching smarthosts (exim, postfix, etc)?
> Will NetworkManager support such software?
Ideally yes, NM would be able to cooperate with/use most features of
ifupdown to do such things. This isn't the case currently, but will be a
focus for me when I get back from vacation.

> Thanks for feedback.
> Regards,
>  I.
> P.S. This E-Mail goes in cross-post to networkmanager-list at gnome.org to
> which I'm not subscribed to. Please consider Cc: on reply, thanks.
um, why? І don't see any content interesting or specific to the NM development list.


That sounds like a lot of work... Can we out source?
The Revolution will not be outsourced!
(Slick/Monique - Sinfest)

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