Ubuntu as a Java development platform (Problems with IBM's JDK on PPC)

Ivo Marino eim at mentors.debian.net
Wed Nov 10 09:02:20 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 19:01 -0500, Dave Vasilevsky wrote:

> Hi Ivo,
Hello Dave,

First of all thanks for the fast reply.

> Because of some trickiness from IBM, the JIT used to not recognize some 
> chips properly, and would crash. This hasn't happened to me since 
> months ago using a previous version of the IBM JDK, so it might be 
> something else too.
> To try and figure this out, what processor are you running? G4 is known 
> to work, I've heard of 604e and 603e, no idea about G3 and G5. You can 
> try exporting the environment value JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE=6 (or 5 for 
> 603), which could force Java not to use the wrong JIT. Or you could set 
> JAVA_COMPILER=NONE to disable the JIT.
> Tell me how things go, we'll try to keep the Wiki accurate at least.
You gave me the right solution. I own an Apple iBook2 (G3 at 700MHz) and
the export of the environment value JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE="6" (to force
processor type 604e) allowed me to run appletviewer successfully.

I have also tried out to force JITC_PROCESSOR_TYPE="5" but this attempt
was not successful, at least on my iBook G3.

> Dave
Thanks once again for your very useful feedback.
Best regards,

 P.S. I Cc: this email to ubuntu-users in order to inform also the
      community. We should consider updating the WIKI also.

   .''`.   Ivo Marino <eim at mentors.debian.net>
  : :' :   irc.FreeNode.net chan #debian-mentors
  `. ``    UIN 32463141 + JID eim at jabber.linux.it
    `-     Homepage http://mentors.debian.net/~eim/
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