My k3b solution - launch from icon

Travis Newman travis at
Wed Nov 10 19:00:19 UTC 2004

Tim Hull wrote:

> Well, of course the k3b package would have to be fixed up first 
> (before it got added to main) it definitely isn't ready as it is now. 
> Am Dienstag, den 09.11.2004, 21:29 -0500 schrieb Tim Hull:
>>> I downloaded k3b from universe (I wanted full CD burning support)
>>> and I ran into the problems everybody runs into w/.ICEauthority.
>>> However, I came across a decent solution (that does not require 
>>> running from a root terminal.  I created a new menu entry 
>>> (right-click on a menu in GNOME and then click Entire menu-Add new 
>>> item to this menu
>>> I input k3b as the application name and gksudo /usr/bin/k3b as the 
>>> command.  I then selected the k3b icon as the icon.  This allows me 
>>> to launch k3b from an icon, after inputting my password.  Also, 
>>> .ICEauthority is not harmed this way.
> you porbably should have read this:
> and probably attach your results there, as this is the site that is
> often referred to on IRC i.e.
>>> P.S. k3b should be considered to be added to "main" in the next 
>>> release, because many people would like to burn music CDs and do 
>>> more advanced things with CDs that Nautilus does not allow for. 
> i hope it does not, as the right solution is not to pull broken and
> unsupported software into main, but rather to create the missing
> feature.
> so i started to write a basic audio burner that can be found here in a 
> public (very) beta (but usable) version. feel free to download
> and improve the software by testing, feature requests and bug reports:

Yes! A Simpsons fan! That's a great name for a cd burner app, I'm 
surprised it hasn't been taken yet.

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