Disabling IPv6

mark ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Nov 10 18:32:44 UTC 2004

As followers of this thread know, I've been working with this issue for
awhile.  Well, I finally went back & really read the previous
postings...and edited my -/etc/modprobe.d/aliases- file to contain the
    alias net-pf-10 off
 In my previous attempts, I had left the "IPv6" reference at the end of
the line, either "naked" or commented.  That's it - oh, I did run
-update-modules- before I rebooted.  Anyway, once booted back up,
-ifconfig -a- makes no mention of an IPv6 address or a -sit0- section.

Matt - I tried to copy & paste your -sed- command, but it didn't take -
don't know why.  And I agree that IPv6 is never gonna work right if we
keep "dodging the bullett" like this, but the performance hit was
getting awfully aggravating.  I don't know if it's a driver/module,
application or protocol implementation issue, but it does still



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