installing libpng with dpkg?(without apt-get)

Rob Weir rweir at
Wed Nov 10 00:00:37 UTC 2004

On Sat, Nov 06, 2004 at 11:38:23PM +0100, Maximilian Gerlach said
> Am Sonntag, den 07.11.2004, 00:01 +0200 schrieb Panos:
> > Hello. I'm new to the list and ubuntu as well. i could use some help.
> > i cant connect ubuntu to the internet currently. So to install software 
> > i download it to another system and the copy it to ubuntu. i wanted to 
> > install the newest libpng in universe to get libxine1rc6a  to work but 
> > dpkg gives me an error that it can't overwrite the .so file of the older 
> > libpng version. is there any way around this?

Which exact packages are you getting an error from?  Are they all from
Ubuntu?  This is a bug in one of them.

> dpkg --force-all -i /path/to/package.deb 

Erm, there are consequences to this, recommending it to newbies without
explaining them is not a good idea.


Words of the day:         Aladdin president MD2 strategic government Peking TWA
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