HOWTO use a serial mouse

Travis Newman travis at
Wed Nov 10 00:52:55 UTC 2004

>I can -- but now I'm wondering how many places it should get posted?
>When it comes time to update it (for example to reflect instead
>of xfree86, or maybe making it more general to include USB pointing
>devices or brain wave receivers or whatever) I won't remember all the
>places it's been posted....
>And here I was concerned that I posted it in Users instead of Doc -- I
>never imagined there were so many other options. Actually now that I
>think of it I don't think I've even looked through the wiki.
I'd say post it in as many places as possible. SOMEONE will notice when 
it's outdated and they can update it themselves. The wiki is obviously 
the most important, but a lot of people are more comfortable with forums 
(myself included). My idea: decide where you're going to document it 
before you post it anywhere else, and put somewhere in the documentation 
where all you're posting it. That way you'll remember, and other people 
will know where else to access it. The good thing about the forum is 
that people can comment on it and suggest things as well, so you might 
be able to get more insight there, and update the documentation accordingly.

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