USB periodic stop

Thomas Beckett thomas.beckett at
Tue Nov 9 16:30:18 UTC 2004

Every so often (about 30 seconds at a guess)  my mouse stops
completely - it just freezes, then a second or 2 later it will resume
responding to my moving the mouse.
Im not sure, but I think this only started to happen about the time I
got my Treo 600 syncing with Gpilot. I think it maybe caused when -
after syncing my treo and the connection between the device and
/dev/ttyUSB1 stops, something in Gpilot (or a service it uses) is
still trying to talk to the device and polling the usb link. This
would then (im guessing) sop my usb mouse from responding

Does this sound right? I noticed some messages from dmesg when syncing
stops that is repeated every so often but Im not at home now so cant
give the details.

Any advice on where to look to get gpilot to behave nice when it
finishes syncing...

many Thanks

Tom Beckett

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