general compile question

Romeo Theriault romeotheriault at
Tue Nov 9 13:34:30 UTC 2004

Hi all, I'm trying to get MPlayer running on my ubuntu box. I was following
the instruction in the "INSTALL" directions, compiling all the different
sources. Once I had done the ./configure, make, make install I would delete
the directory which I had downloaded to my home directory. Does the computer
need that directory. I was just assuming that after a make install the
computer took what it needed from that directory and put it in the
appropriate places, but I'm not sure if that is right. Should I have
downloaded those files to another directory like  /usr/bin and extracted
them there, then done the ./configure, make, make install and then leave the
directory there. Does the directory need to stay behind, does it matter
where it is located? 




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