Install Ubuntu without net connection

John dingo at
Mon Nov 8 22:13:36 UTC 2004

Andy Rabagliati wrote:
> On Mon, 08 Nov 2004, Stephan Didas wrote:
>>I have started to use Ubuntu and I am quite impressed!
>>Since my Ubuntu computer does not have a connection to the internet 
>>(I can access a computer with SuSE, a net connection and a CD burner.) 
> The CD will install a basic (office, internet, a few games) set of
> applications.

Plan A. I'm doing this atm, but only because I wanted to trsnsport the 
pooter for other reasons.

> If you can put your computer on the same network, you only have to
> arrange that SuSE forwards your request and returns your replies -
> known as "IP Masquerade", "Firewall" or something.
> You will need to allocate your computer an address - using DHCP or
> static IP allocation, that is within the same 'net' as the SuSE box.
> If it is the same computer with dual boot, you will have to move all
> the connection details across.
> If the computers are in different places (home/work) you will have
> to download updates / new packages, and make sure you have enough
> to resolve the dependencies.
> Try to place the computers together.
> Cheers,  Andy!

Plan B is enable all the repositories, and then something like
apt-get -y --print-uris install kde | awk /^\' {print \$1 } >toget

and at the Sbox
wget -i toget -P Ubuntu
dpkg-scanpackages # read the docs

You will need to refine the wget options, and check everything else.

You can burn the Ubuntu directory to CD, copy to a USB drive or 
whatever. Email or scp the list.

There is a Debian package to do this, and probably it makes a proper 
repository out of it. Which is more-or-less what dpkg-scanpackages does.

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