Automated installers - custom package selections - kickstart

Andy Rabagliati andyr at
Mon Nov 8 13:50:07 UTC 2004


  I have a minor distro I developed, maintain, and use that performs
  the task of dialup and firewall, with mail (exim/courier) and a web
  proxy server (wwwoffle) with UUCP as the primary transport.

  Most of the packages are available from Ubuntu.

  What I need is a replacement for kickstart, the dandy redhat
  python-based installer.

  Really, I just need to install a list of packages on top of a
  Base install, and run a monster 100K shell script that sets up
  configuration and preloads an LDAP directory.

  I like the look of the ubuntu minimal install, and for political
  reasons am investigating a shift from whitebox linux to something

  Is the Ubuntu installer scriptable in this fashion ?

  Where would I start looking ?

Cheers,    Andy!

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