apt-get failing to find upgrades

Matt Zimmerman mdz at canonical.com
Mon Nov 8 03:07:52 UTC 2004

On Mon, Nov 08, 2004 at 12:34:28AM -0500, David Coventry wrote:

> Honestly, though, Ubuntu seems to be throwing up a whole lot of 
> unnecessary dificulties in the face of their users.
> Why would you need to comment out the sources.list file, for example?


Should clarify the reasons for this choice.  By default, only supported and
maintained software is accessible.

> In any case, I can't install anything onto my machine: well, that's not 
> strictly true, I can download the tarball, untar and ./configure, make 
> and make install.

You can't install _anything_?  Or you can't install wine?

 - mdz

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