new Ubuntu user

Marc Williams marcw at
Sun Nov 7 22:08:39 UTC 2004

adbak wrote:
> I hope that if there is this utility that it is optional.  I remember
> when I used FC1 & 2 that it was so annoying.  About half of the time I
> was unable to select more than 3 packages that needed updated because
> the notifier would freeze partway through.  I'd then have to force quit
> the updater and recheck the ones that I wanted upgraded.
> Up2Date was one of the reasons I so easily moved from Fedora to Ubuntu.

Just so you know...  The RHN Notifier is a totally seperate and distict 
utility from up2date.  It was up2date that was boogering up for you, not 
the notifier.  The RHN notifier is a begign little utility that just 
sits there and tells you that updates are available.  It couldn't 
retrieve or install them for you even if it wanted to.  That's the job 
of up2date or yum or apt-get.

Further, I wasn't crazy about up2date either.  That's why I used apt-get 
or Synaptic for almost all of my FC? updates.

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