Real Player or Helix Player on Warty?

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at
Sun Nov 7 20:42:32 UTC 2004

> Has anyone successfully installed the Real Player or the Helix Player on
> Warty along with their browser (Mozilla, Firefox, etc.) plugins?

> On Debian unstable I've installed realplayer successfully using the
> Debian installer package from Marillat's repository -- I've not tried
> yet on Warty anyway.

didn't bother with packages for my x86 machine.  Downloaded the .bin
file from  Ran it and Installed the software in
/opt/RealPlayer.  Then in the plugins directory of firefox
(/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins) added a symbolic link to
 and  nphelix.xpt  in that /opt/RealPlayer directory.

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