Ubuntu & Mark in the printed press

Asko Kauppi asko.kauppi at sci.fi
Sat Nov 6 12:55:08 UTC 2004

 From a PR perspective, being South African is a huge boost to the 
project. Apart from just being technologically 'right' (which I think 
it is) this lifts the project emotionally higher than American vs. 
European vs. Asian emphasis would.


6.11.2004 kello 12:08, Marius Bock kirjoitti:

>  Hope that my translation is not too bad.  I am just quoting the 
> article here so the facts are not mine.  I would love to claim Ubuntu 
> is South African but except for Mark and Louise (Lu) I do not know how 
> many of the other Canonical staff is South African.

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