Fat (dos) floppy discs won't mount, filesystem unrecognised.

Neil Woolford neil at neilwoolford.co.uk
Fri Nov 5 14:22:06 UTC 2004

When I try to mount a DOS floppy I get the message "I could not determine 
the filesystem type, and none was specified".
This occurs on several systems on which I am running Ubuntu.

I can find no option in Gnome to specify the filetype of removable media.

In fstab I have the following line;

<file system>	<mount point>	<type>	<options>	<dump><pass>
/dev/fd0	/media/floppy0	auto	rw,user,noauto	0	0

The workaround that I have found is to format a (spare) floppy in the drive 
as a DOS/fat disc and mount and unmount it.
After that I can mount the original dos disc, which will now be recognised.

What am I missing here?  Or is this a bug?

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