burning cds

Bill Stoye skiffworks at earthlink.net
Wed Nov 3 23:46:41 UTC 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-02 at 21:33 +0100, Maximilian Gerlach wrote:
> I can recommend you the tool 'mp3burn'. It's in universe.
> mp3burn /path/to/mp3s/
> thats it.

I've not been able to burn an audio CD in Ubuntu after many attempts
with four different burners; with hopes your method would work I
installed 'mp3burn' and get the following:

bill at skiffworks ~ $ mp3burn
--dummy /home/bill/Mp3/hank_williams/24_of_hank_williams_geatest_hits /home/bill/Mp3/hank_williams/24_of_hank_williams_geatest_hits does not exist or invalid audio file at /usr/bin/mp3burn line 465, <DATA> line 1.

/usr/bin/mp3burn Line 465:
	die "$ARGV[$i] does not exist or invalid audio file" unless (-f
$ARGV[$i]); #Check to see if file exists


> Greets,
> Maxi

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