I broke my Warty...

Arnold Maestre maestre at lirmm.fr
Wed Nov 3 10:49:31 UTC 2004

Le mercredi 03 novembre 2004 à 09:39 +0100, Oliver Grawert a écrit :
> regarding the bug report it's your chance to get it working. the nvidia
> drivers are compiled against another version of libc. the fact that they
> are binary-only makes it impossible to recompile them against a newer
> libc version. you can blame nvidia for this....and only wait until a new
> nvidia driver is out. the best solution is to use the xfree nv driver
> until its solved.

I guess we'll have tofind another way, because this still doesn't work.
I moved nvidia out of the way (sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx,
nano /etc/modules to comment out the line pre-loading nvidia,
nano /etc/X11/XF86config-4 to load the nv driver instead), the xserver
still starts (it did start with nvidia also), but gdm dies with the same
error message.

Seeing it seemed to have something to do with libc6, i downgraded libc6
and libc6-686 to 2.3.2.ds1-13ubuntu2, but gdm keeps dying.

I also tried booting an older kernel, but in vain. the X server starts,
but the gdm session dies. Unless my nvidia cleansing is incomplete, I
don't know if we can still assume this bug is nvidia-related.


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